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CF200SE Drysuit

CF200SE Drysuit


Availability: Special Order

Part Number:106101-LT Manufacturer: DUI SIZE:


Style: CF200se
Color: Black
Foot Style: MD Turbo Boot
Wrist: Latex ZipSeals
Neck: Latex G1 ZipSeals
Inflation Hose: Rubber
Exhaust Valve: Apek Cuff Dump on Left Outside Arm (no shoulder exhaust valve)
Knee Pads: Standard CF200
Warm Neck Collar: Standard CF200
Pockets: Large Zipper Pocket on Right and Left
Condition: New
Warranty Zipper, Valve, Foot: 90 Days
Warranty: 7 Year


Gender: Male
Base Size: Medium - Signature

*Chest: -3"
Waist: +3"
*Hips: +3"
Calf: +1.25"
*Floor to Crotch: -3"
*Girth: -2"
*Spine to Wrist: -3.5"

Sized for XM450 Undergarment

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